Featured: Baby
blue satin Adult Sissy dress. Custom.
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"Heart On Her Sleeve"
by UniKaren Designs
If you wish to use any photos of me modeling my dresses on your website,
you MUST obtain permission.
Fabric: Lightweight baby blue satin,
white satin
Monitor color may depict
inaccurate colors of the dress, it's baby blue satin.
Full skirt fits a very full
petticoat, has single bottom tier of blue satin, trimmed with white flat lace
along the hem and silver & white flat lace along the top edge.
Above the seam is a beautiful
ruffled white lace, attached with silver heart trim, and which
escalates at BOTH SIDES to form a little tent, and under the tent are rows
and rows of ruffled white lace. The top of the triangle features a white
satin ribbow bow.
Dartless bodice fits a 36"
chest; features a white satin bib, decorated with flat lace above it, and on it there is a blue satin heart decorated with
white ruffles and silver trim. And a little blue ribbon bow decoration in the center.
Peter Pan collar is made of white satin,
with ruffled white lace sandwiched between the layers. It is attached with white
bias tape.
Ruffles have silver & white lace
along the inside edge and flat white lace along the outer edge. Going along
the sides of the bib to the center back, they are attached with ruffled
white lace.
Stunning full sleeves feature a
triangular white satin overlay, with a blue heart design decorated with
white lace and silver trim, with wide white lace along the
overlay. Look for the silver rosebud detail below the heart. Lace is sewn to the hem of the sleeve and is
the join where the elastic is sewn.
Beautiful separate extravagant apron is
lined satin, with the heart design continued, and ruffles around
the edge, attached with the white lace and silver trim.
Center back zipper, with hook & eye closure.

Waist: 30"
Skirt: 18"
Length from shoulder to hem:
Across upper back:
Neck: 20"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You can always wear a dress
that is too large,
but you cannot wear one
that is too small.
Check measurements, please!
If you have
questions, just ask.
