UNIKaren Designs
Unique by Karen, designer frilly dresses

Featuring: Adult Sissy - Pinafores and Aprons

Adult Baby Bows & Ribbons Beauty of Simplicity Black & White
Bridal Beauty  French Maid Heart and Soul Little Girl
Lipstick Pink Pageant Princess Pinafores & Aprons Ruffled Butt
Ruffles & Lace School Girl Swiss Miss Taffeta Touch
The Blues Latest Creations 2015-present Wrist Corsages (wristlets)
All images copyright © by UniKaren Designs. All rights reserved.
You may not upload any of these images to a website or distribute them commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites without the express written permission of UniKaren Designs.  Anyone who uses my photos may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 

"My Prince Has Come" - FOR SALE

Photos property of UniKaren Designs.  DO NOT STEAL.  ASK!  Photos property of UniKaren Designs.  DO NOT STEAL.  ASK!  Photos property of UniKaren Designs.  DO NOT STEAL.  ASK! Photos property of UniKaren Designs.  DO NOT STEAL.  ASK!  Photos property of UniKaren Designs.  DO NOT STEAL.  ASK!

"Just a Touch of Black"

"Adult DK" (Daisy Kingdom inspired four-piece outfit).

"Pinafore 101"


Description (optional)

"Americana Doll"

"Midnight Blue"  (Photos reproduced with permission)

Gingham Maid

"Candy Girl"

"Beary Cute"


"Birthday Party"



"High Contrast"


"Pretty Eyelet Pink" (pep)









Lucy in Wonderland

"All In One"

St Patrick

"Pooh Bear"

"Royal Ruffles"

Emerald City

Royal Maid

Photos reproduced with permission.
French Poodle

Green Velvet






"Lacey Ribbon"

Tricia Lynn


Blue Velvet

Abigail Twin

"spch" (Satin Peach)



"Little Bo Peep"




Pretty Yellow

"Budding Teen"

Spring Blossom




"Petal Pusher"

"Party Girl"

Sweet Pinafore
Photos reproduced with permission.


"Merry Maid"



"American Beauty"


This page put up on July 10, 2002

This site was created April 6, 1997.